What’s In My Gym Bag?

The gym bag. My most trusted ally in the daily struggle of a morning workout followed by a  hurried gym shower to look presentable for morning meetings. It takes a village  bag.

Photo by John Arano / Unsplash

BL  often jokes that my gym bag is more important to me than my laptop  carrier, which… could be true. It’s essential. Ever since beginning my  current job seven years ago, I’ve had a similar morning routine:  workout, get ready at the gym, head to work.Running Shoes: I swear by Brooks Running shoes and would have to reallllly be convinced to turn elsewhere. They are hands down the best running shoes I’ve ever owned. Once one pair has reached its expiration date, I’m on to the next model. The brighter the color- the better! (Zappos usually has the best prices on Brooks. Bonus for free shipping both ways.)


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Runway Ready: You already know what a huge fan I am of HUM nutrition, and this photo just confirms it. I take my packet of Runway Ready every morning after my workout.  I swear my hair and skin have never looked better! Each satchel contains plant-based omega-3 oils and biotin.

Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer: I honestly don’t wear that much makeup this time of year. While I am very fortunate to have pretty clear skin (thank you genetics and most recently, my HUM supplements), it can be pretty uneven in skin tone and color. Since I hate the feeling of heavy foundation, I wear this moisturizer instead. Like perfection in a bottle, it somehow evens my skin and provides it with a healthy dose of moisturizer without feeling too heavy or greasy.

Regenerist Serum

Regenerist Serum: Thanks to my many years of worshiping the sun, I have started to see a few wrinkles. While I’m not scared of aging- yet, I’ve also begun to be more proactive in my approach to skincare. I’ve added this serum underneath my moisturizer and have noticed a huge difference.

iPhone: Since 1/2 the time I head to the gym I’m there to teach a class, I never leave home without my iphone. Fellow instructors, I rely exclusively on John Sines music– nothing else compares! To switch up my own music, I use workout playlists found on Spotify and Pandora. If that fails, I’ve been known to run to Justin Timberlake, Jay-Z, and of course, Jack’s Mannequin.

Sweat band: Nothing is worse than a band that won’t stay put! When I am in the zone, the last thing I want to worry about is hair in my face. I swear by these lululemon hair bands, wide enough that they won’t slip off. Also perfect if I don’t feel like blowdrying my hair for work. Sweat band –> Hairband.

Sport Bars/Electrolyte Replacement: I’ve learned my lesson more than a few times. If I forgot my breakfast at home (happens all the time) or don’t have time to go grab something, I like to have a few bars on hand just in case. Favorite brands include Vega, Kind, and LUNA bars. Since it’s still hotter than anything in the CA Valley this time of year, if I’m running outside, I like to replenish with an electrolyte replacement. I like these Ignite Naturals packs, which are gluten-free and vegan.

Waterproof your shower kit

Waterproof your shower kit: I keep all of my shower stuff in a plastic case. That way, when I head to the shower I just grab the case without having to dig through my bag to find my shampoo, conditioner, etc.  I usually purchase travel size items to bring with my to the gym. They take up less space and as a bonus, allow me to try new items without committing to a full-size (and price) product.Don’t forget your underwear! I know this sounds silly but coming from someone who has worn a sports bra to more meetings than I would like to admit, always do a double check of your clothes- including a bra and underwear!

What are your must have gym bag items?
What tips would you add for packing a gym bag?
Photo by Jesper Aggergaard / Unsplash

Alex Caspero is a Registered Dietitian, Plant-Based Chef and Yoga Instructor. She aims to cut through the nutrition noise by providing real-life, nourishing tips for body and mind. Her blog, Delish Knowledge, focuses on making whole-food eating deliciously simple. She lives in St. Louis, MO with her husband, running buddy and taste-tester BL.
One time I forgot my water bottle at home. Of course my whole workout all I could think about was how thirsty I was. Ever since then I packed everything in my bag the night before and double checked it in the morning.